April 2014

Did you Know?There is a website Water Information System for Europe (WISE) which will guide you to information relating to Europe’s water issues. EDC News: Healthy Water in Europe!The EU has developed a partnership, Water Information System for Europe (WISE), between the European Commission (DG Environment, Joint Research Centre and Eurostat) and the European Environment Agency. The purpose of this partnership is to provide a connection between the various aspects relating to water issues. The WISE website has been designed to direct users to relevant information as well as detailing the roles of each partner:
The quality of water whether for bathing, drinking or protecting the aquatic ecosystems is a major issue in Europe and, therefore, is constantly being monitored. For instance, bathing water is monitored on an annual basis and the results are detailed in the annual bathing water quality report. The report showed that for 2013 all the bathing sites in Cyprus and Luxembourg were deemed ‘excellent’. These countries were followed by Malta (99% excellent), Croatia (95%) and Greece (93%). Alternatively, the European Union Member States with the highest proportion of sites with a ‘poor’ status were Estonia (6%), the Netherlands (5%), Belgium (4%), France (3%), Spain (3%) and Ireland (3%). These results can also be viewed on an interactive map. Although the quality of bathing water is seen to be improving there is still major concern regarding Europe’s marine ecosystem. A recent assessment found that Europe’s marine ecosystems are threatened by climate change, pollution, overfishing and acidification. For further information: