April 2016

Did you Know?The European Commission is faced with solving an ever growing problem: the Migration Crisis. This crisis has reminded all EU Member States what the EU is based on – Unity, Solidarity and Harmony – which is the only way a problem can be truly solved. Member States failing to comply with the common asylum rules are faced with infringement proceedings. EDC News: The European Migration CrisisThe European migration [refugee] crisis began in 2015 when a rising number of refugees and migrants (mainly from Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi) journeyed to the European Union (EU) seeking asylum. The crisis in the Mediterranean has put the spotlight on immediate needs, it has also revealed much about the structural limitations of EU migration policy and tools. For instance, Dublin Regulation states that all refugees had to stay in the state they first arrived in. This put enormous pressure on Member States that were already in trouble, e.g. Greece who is in the midst of an economic crisis was not able to cover so many refugees arriving at one time. This led to dire conditions for refugees and desperation on recipient islands.The EU needed to strike the right balance and send a clear message to Europeans that migration can be better managed collectively. Subsequently, President Juncker assembled the leaders of the countries concerned and most affected by the emergency situation along the Eastern Mediterranean-Western Balkans route. The leaders agreed on 17-point plan of action, which cover:
Further ways that the EU practised solidarity for the management of the migration crisis was through: Funding, Relocation; Resettlement; Hotspots; EU Civil Protection Mechanism. New EU rules have now been agreed, setting out common high standards and stronger co-operation to ensure that asylum seekers are treated equally in an open and fair system:
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