February 2020

DID YOU KNOW?The newly elected European Commission (EC) has set six priorities it will strive for over the next five years which vary from the environment to enhancing European democracy. EDC News: European Commission 2019-2024 PrioritiesThe world is drastically changing, with new challenges emerging both on a European and global level. The new European Commission aims to tackle these issues by setting six priorities which utilise the shared ideas that unite Europe. Priorities include, making Europe a climate-neutral continent by 2050, boosting investment for jobs and designing regulations that facilitate technological innovation. These priorities are defined under the following sections: European Green Deal The threats posed by climate change have prompted the EC to propose the Green Deal which addresses how climate change policies impact different areas of our lives including transport systems, building and renovation, skill sets, personal habits, clean energy and sustainable food systems. Implementation of these policies will be supported through the mobilisation of €1 trillion over the next decade and the employment of the Just Transition Mechanism. An economy that works for people The EC recognises that the economy of Member States should be developed to ensure it is beneficial to its citizens. Thereby, it seeks to make the economic and monetary union more stable, fair and democratically accountable and expand in different policy areas and harmonise the internal market. In parallel, working towards sustainable job creation and growth. A Europe Fit for the Digital Age The rapid innovation of technology requires legislation that will facilitate its development, while at the same time maintaining a high level of online protection. The EU’s digital strategy is designed to support technology for the benefit of EU citizens, allows for innovation to flourish, protect and facilitate climate policies, healthcare and democracy. Promoting our European way of life Equality, security and justice are fundamental to the European way of life. The EU is dedicated to promoting, protecting and strengthening these rights through the rule of law, including the improvement of consumer rights and reforming the migration system. A stronger Europe in the world The EU’s foreign policy focuses on cooperation and a rule-based global order; by implementing a trade policy which upholds EU’s standards, enhancing European security and defence, cooperating with neighbouring countries and providing humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable around the world. A new push for European democracy cigarette The involvement of EU citizens is fundamental for a functioning EU, as a result, the EC will initiate a conference on the future of Europe which will open the decision-making process to all whom are effected by it. The EC proposes to adapt regulations for a more transparent, efficient and effective EU law-making process. For more information Political guidelines of the Commission 2019-2024, A Union that strives for more – Ursula von der Leyen The European Green Deal, EUR-Lex Consultation on Fair Minimum Wages in the EU, EC Consultation Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions (Factsheet), EC Communication Secure 5G deployment in the EU: Implementing the EU toolbox (Factsheet), EC Communication Revised enlargement methodology, EC Questions and Answers Shaping Europe’s digital future (Factsheet), EU Publications |