January 2016

Did you Know?Aviation being critical to Europe’s economy it was added to the initiatives listed in the Commission Work Programme for 2015 (COM(2014) 910 final), which has led to the European Commission developing an EU aviation strategy. EDC News: European Commission Aviation StrategyAviation is a strong driver of economic growth, jobs, trade and mobility for the European Union and plays a crucial role in the EU economy. The sector employs almost 2 million people in the EU and is worth €110 billion to Europe's economy. Over the last 20 years, the EU's liberalisation of the internal market for air services and the substantial growth of demand in air transport within the EU and worldwide, have resulted in the significant development of the European aviation sector. The aviation traffic in Europe is predicted to reach 14.4 million flights in 2035, 50% more than in 2012. With such growth complications follow, such as, imbalances in international competition, passenger rights, safety and security, congestion, CO2 emissions. Consequently, it is necessary that the EU aviation industry remains competitive. One way of ensuring this is the development of a regulatory framework which promotes EU values and standards, enables reciprocal opportunities and prevents distortion of competition. The European Commission is currently in the proposal phase of developing a European Aviation Strategy, which reflects these issues. The strategy contains the following policy proposals: For further information: