July/August 2013

Did you Know?Social security describes a program that uses public funds to provide a degree of economic security for the public. Social Security schemes differ between countries, therefore, you need to make sure which country you fall under. Check out your Social Security rights when moving within Europe. EDC News: EU Social Security CoordinationEU regulations are making it easier for people to move around and work in different Member States. This brings about confusion as people are unsure of the benefits they are entitled to and their rights. The main question here is “Which country is responsible for these rights and benefits?” For instance national social security schemes differ substantially from one Member State to another and as there are no plans for creating a unified European social security system European Union legislation provides for a coordination of these schemes. The purpose of this coordination is to enhance the EU’s objective of freedom of movement of persons. The national social security schemes are linked together, so as to ensure that people moving from one Member State to another are not, as a result, penalised in terms of their social security rights. With this in mind, the coordination system employs a number of key principles: the non-discrimination on grounds of nationality; the aggregation of periods of insurance, employment or residence; the waiving of residence rules; and the application of a single legislation for contributing and receiving benefits. The EU Social Security Coordination rules apply to EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland's national legislation on: Additional information on social security coordination: Further advice can be obtained from: