July/August 2015

Did you Know?The European Commission are moving EU governments into the digital age: EU eGovernments EDC News: EU eGovernmentOne of the 10 priorities in the Juncker regime is to make the EU's single market fit for the digital age by tearing down regulatory walls and moving from 28 national markets to a single one. To address this priority the EC developed the Digital Single Market strategy (COM(2015) 192), which is made up of three policy areas or 'pillars': The Digital Single Market strategy recognises that a key barrier in creating a European Digital economy and society is the difficulty of accessing government related and issued documents. Hence the European Commission created and implemented the eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015 COM(2010) 743 (reflecting the four priorities defined by the Malmö Ministerial Declaration 2009), which supports the provision of a new generation of eGovernment services. Its goal is to optimise the conditions for the development of cross-border eGovernment services provided to citizens and businesses regardless of their country of origin. This would require:
A new e-Government Action Plan will be launched in 2016, as also foreseen by the recently adopted Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe. The European Commission’s DG Connect will organise a workshop towards this new eGovernment Action Plan. The aim of this workshop is to gather the views and opinions from key stakeholders on their expectations from the new action plan to improve citizens and businesses experience when interacting with public administration and to facilitate their relationship with government. For more information: