9, Klimentos Street, CY-1480 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 22400820 Email: eurescyprus@dl.mlsi.gov.cy


UNIC Erasmus Office
University of Nicosia
46 Makedonitissas Avenue, CY-2417
P.O.Box 24005, 1700, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel:+357 22 84 17 26/571/979 
Email: erasmus@unic.ac.cy

European Commission Representation in Cyprus
EU House, 30 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 81 77 70

Euroguidance Centre Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 40 30 22


2 Prodromou & Demetrakopoulou,
1090, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 44 88 88 27 
Email: eurodeskcy@eurodesk.eu

European Parliament Representation in Cyprus
EU House, 30 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 87 05 00

Cyprus Productivity Centre, Kallipoleos Avenue, 77 2100,
Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 80 60 00

  Funding Programmes
Directorate General Growth, Ministry of Finance
Tel.: +357 22 89 42 78

Europe Direct Larnaca
Andreas Miaoulis No. 11, Makarios III Avenue, 6017,
Larnaca,  Cyprus
Tel: +357 24 62 09 93 


Europe Direct Limassol
Cyprus University of Technology Research Service,
corner Athinon & Nikos Xiouta Str, 3040, Limassol.
Tel: +357 25 00 20 27 

Europe Direct Ledra Palace Area
28 Markou Dracou Street, Nicosia, 1102, Cyprus
Tel: +357 99 59 39 19
Europe Direct Nicosia
1 Panepistimiou Avenue, 2109, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 89 42 78


Our European Documentation Centre is part of the Europe Direct information network, which spans the whole EU. The network consists of 480 EU information centres (EDICs); 400 documentation centres (EDCs) at European universities and research centres and; 400 expert speakers (Team Europe) available to participate in events and write press articles.

The main tasks of the European Documentation Centres are to:

  • Promote and consolidate teaching and research in the field of European integration
  • Make in-depth information and sources on the European Union and its policies available to the public and those in an academic / university environment
  • Encourage debates on European topics


Blogs (Search)


EU Bookshop

European Commission Central Library


European Institutes



EU Who is Who

Europe Direct Helpline:
 00 800 67 89 10 11

Key EU contacts in Cyprus


EDC at the University of Nicosia

As of 2012, the University of Nicosia Library is a European Documentation Centre (EDC), which is part of the Europe Direct information network spanning the whole EU. It is your local link to information on Europe.

The main objective of our EDC is to inform students, academics and the public about publications and other sources of information regarding the European Union.

Services provided by your EDC:

  • Online catalogue of official publications, where searches can be done by Title, Subject or Departments of the European Commission
  • Interlibrary Loans (ILL) with the European Commission Central Library
  • Specialised information provided to the public and the broader academic community. Everyone can visit the European Documentation Centre and use the print material or speak with our EDC manager (Georgia Christodoulou) during working hours (Monday to Friday between 08:00-17:00 - term-time).
  • Up-to-date webpages, which include useful links on EU policies, legislation, statistics, databases, publications and general information, services and assistance for citizens’ of the EU.
  • Social Media pages, such as, Facebook, X (X.com), Instagram
  • Organisation and participation in various dissemination, educational, interactive and events, such as, Citizens’ Dialogues, World Cafés, Competitions, both for adults and children.

We also provide help on accessing:

  • EU facts and figures;
  • Travelling, studying and working or retiring in European Union (EU) countries;
  • How the EU works;
  • Information on funding opportunities and signposting to other organisations who can help.
  • European policies and programmes;
  • European legislation and directives;
  • Free internet access in the library which gives you easy access to EU websites.

NOTE: you can also get help by using Freephone access to the Europe Direct Call Centre on
00 800 6789 10 11.





Blogs (Search)


EU Bookshop

European Commission Central Library


European Institutes



EU Who is Who

Europe Direct Helpline:
 00 800 67 89 10 11

Key EU contacts in Cyprus