Key EU Contacts in Cyprus

UNIC Erasmus Office |
European Commission Representation in Cyprus EU House, 30 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia, Cyprus Tel.: +357 22 81 77 70 |
Euroguidance |
Eurodesk |
European Parliament Representation in Cyprus |
Europass |
Funding Programmes Directorate General Growth, Ministry of Finance Tel.: +357 22 89 42 78 |
Europe Direct Larnaca |
Europe Direct Limassol |
Europe Direct Ledra Palace Area 28 Markou Dracou Street, Nicosia, 1102, Cyprus Tel: +357 99 59 39 19 |
Europe Direct Nicosia 1 Panepistimiou Avenue, 2109, Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: +357 22 89 42 78 |
ABOUT EDCsOur European Documentation Centre is part of the Europe Direct information network, which spans the whole EU. The network consists of 480 EU information centres (EDICs); 400 documentation centres (EDCs) at European universities and research centres and; 400 expert speakers (Team Europe) available to participate in events and write press articles. The main tasks of the European Documentation Centres are to:
EDC at the University of NicosiaAs of 2012, the University of Nicosia Library is a European Documentation Centre (EDC), which is part of the Europe Direct information network spanning the whole EU. It is your local link to information on Europe. The main objective of our EDC is to inform students, academics and the public about publications and other sources of information regarding the European Union. Services provided by your EDC:
We also provide help on accessing:
NOTE: you can also get help by using Freephone access to the Europe Direct Call Centre on