March 2015

Did you Know?It is the responsibility of the European Commission (EC) to ensure that EU Law is fully and correctly enforced in EU Member States. If it is found that a Member fails to do so the EC may take legal action by launching an Infringement Procedure. EDC News: EU Law Enforced!!!When a country joins the European Union it is under the condition that it accepts the acquis (the body of common rights and obligations that is binding on all the EU member states) and makes current and future EU law part of its own national legislation. One of the European Commission’s responsibilities, under the Article 226 within the Treaty Establishing the European Community, is to monitor and ensure that each Member State is meeting their primary responsibility for the correct and timely application of EU Treaties and legislation. The European Commission will view a Member State in breach of its responsibility when a Member State:
Failure to reach an acceptable solution between the European Commission and the Member State, through a structural dialogue, the European Commission will open formal Infringement Proceedings. Below are the steps the European Commission follows to resolve the infringement of the Member State:
On a monthly basis, the European Commission produces a package of infringement decisions, whereby it is pursuing several legal actions against Member States for failing to comply properly with their obligations under EU law. For further information: