March 2016

Did you Know?The European Commission has a Rapid Alert System, which enables quick exchange of information between 31 European countries and the European Commission about dangerous non-food products posing a risk to health and safety of consumers. EDC News: EU Consumer Protection – Dangerous ProductsThe European Commission (EC) continually strives to provide a high level of protection for the consumers’ health and safety. This involves creating and applying strict common safety rules and standards for products and services circulating within the internal market, such as:
Legislation is only the first step in ensuring consumer safety. The most important step is the enforcement of the legislation; here market surveillance plays a critical role. Market surveillance for non-food consumer products is the responsibility of the Member States. National authorities in each Member State are charged with establishing if products meet the applicable safety requirements, and of taking necessary steps to ensure products are compliant, and apply sanctions when necessary. The national authorities then send daily reports, containing information about dangerous products found and the measures taken, to the European Commission. These reports are then used to comprise a weekly list of the dangerous products (including the risk they pose and the measures taken). The list is then published on the internet. For more information: