The European Commission continues to tackle the pandemic through domestic, pan-European and international means.

EDC News: EU’s fight against Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 is a transmittable disease brought on by a recently discovered coronavirus. Since its discovery, over 4 million people were diagnosed worldwide, of which 1.7 million were located in Europe (WHO figures). The COVID-19 pandemic drastically impacted people's daily lives and strained healthcare systems, economies and employment worldwide. Member States, in hope to contain the spread of the virus, temporarily imposed social distancing measures, curbed or stopped cross-border travel and initiated lockdowns, which forced many businesses to temporarily close. Confrontation of the consequences and challenges of the pandemic required a united and coordinated approach of all Member States. Pursuing this coordinated approach, the European Commission undertook various actions:

On 13 May 2020, EC President, Ursula von der Leyen, spoke to the European Parliament about the recovery plan from the pandemic. The plan consists of three pillars which will focus on a recovery that complements the EC’s priorities such as the Green Deal and Digital Strategy. A Recovery and Resilience (Pillar 1) funding tool which consists important public investments and reforms. Boosting private investments (Pillar 2) focuses on digital and climate-neutral technologies through strengthening InvestEU and creating a Strategic Investment Facility. The third pillar seeks to understand the weaknesses and strengths of EU programmes during the pandemic, and build on those strengths, such as RescEU and Horizon Europe and create a Health Programme to deal with the weaknesses of the EU during the crisis. Although the EU itself cannot deal with all the challenges faced, a united recovery approach can distribute the burden evenly to Member States, therefore, accelerating the recovery and strengthening resilience.

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