November/December 2014

Did you Know?Since June 2014, the EU has increased the level of consumer protection for online shoppers. EDC News: Consumer Rights – Online ShoppingMore and more Europeans are buying their goods online line every year. In 2013, 61% of internet users from Member States are using it to buy or order goods or services for private purposes. This has shown an increase of 11% compared with 2008 (Source: Eurostat). E-shopping has provided consumers with many benefits, such as, greater choice and lower prices and, with competition, quality increases. For businesses, the EU internal market offers the opportunity to reach many more customers at very little additional cost. When purchasing goods from abroad there are things that should be considered, mainly YOUR RIGHTS when things go wrong. The EU has increased the level of protection for online shoppers and have also provided online information on “What to do when your online rights have been breached”. Your rights include:
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