October 2013

Did you Know?Between 23 September and 23 October 2013 the European Commission is running a series of debates to discuss how to improve the Single Market. The EU wants to hear your views on four themes: Jobs, Social Rights, Banks and E-commerce. (More information about the EU Single Market see our September 2013 Newsletter)
EDC News: The EU Single Market - The Debate!!!The European Commission will be running a series of on-line debates, between 23 September and 23 October 2013, on the Single market. During this month European citizens and stakeholders will have the opportunity to make proposals for the future of the EU and to debate those proposals live online with other citizens, stakeholders, officials and leaders, and experts from all over Europe. The Commission is taking to the web in order to involve citizens and civil society groups in its policy agenda. The online forum offers stakeholders a unique and immediate line of communication to Brussels policymakers. The forum will host debates on four themes: Jobs,Social Rights, Banks, and e-Commerce in all 24 EU languages Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier said: "Single Market Month aims to bridge the gap between those who should benefit from policy - civil society, citizens and businesses - and those who draft and decide on it. We welcome a free and open exchange on proposals that will address remaining gaps in the Single Market. A Single Market which works better for citizens, consumers and SMEs is essential to create more jobs and improve competitiveness. This is an Innovative project that takes advantage of the ability of the internet to connect people across a diverse and great continent." You can access "Single Market Month" on yourideasforeurope.eu, which will spread over the course of four successive weeks, with a different policy theme explored each week:
Single Market Month offers participants a number of ways to interact with policy makers:
Five participants will be invited to a final debate with Commissioner Barnier on Euronews on 23 October at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Independent moderators will summarise the results of these debates – the ideas that participants think can change Europe. They will also be written into a final report that will be published and may be fed into the EU's work of tomorrow. For more information: