September 2014

Did you Know?The 28 EU Member States, together with the European Commission, are collectively the world's largest relief donor. In 2013 alone, more than 124 million people were helped thanks to the generous support of EU citizens. However, as many as 442 humanitarian workers were victims of attacks and more than one third of them lost their lives while saving that of others. EDC News: EU and Humanitarian AidThe European Union’s (EU) Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) was created in 1992 as an expression of the European solidarity with people in need all around the world. In 2004 it became the Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid, before integrating Civil Protection in 2010, for a better coordination and disaster response inside and outside Europe. EU humanitarian aid covers areas such as: food and nutrition, shelter, healthcare, water and sanitation, and others. Aid, funded by the EU, is carried out in partnerships with international organisations and humanitarian NGOs. Initially, the EU budget for humanitarian and civil protection actions was approximately €1 billion per year. This has increased to €6.6 billion (excluding the EU Aid Volunteers initiative) since the foresight of the EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework, the Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) 2014-2020 budgets. Although more than 124 million people were helped in 2013 it was not without risk to the humanitarian aid workers. As a tribute every year, the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) dedicates a day, World Humanitarian Day, to these people. For more information: