EU’s Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The following are official EU documents.Only use trusted sources to avoid disinformation.2020 has brought about the COVID-19 pandemic (WHO), which originates from the Coronavirus. The pandemic has forced Member States to impose restrictions on movement within and across their borders to limit the spread of the virus. These restrictions have impacted trade, business, people’s daily routines and the pandemic itself has strained public health care systems. The EU and its institutions are taking various measures to combat the virus and aim at containing it to ensure it doesn’t have damaging effects to society and the economy of the EU, after the pandemic is over. The EU has taken actions regarding the economy, public health, travel, research and innovation, digital and through crisis management. Below, relevant documents and recent developments to these areas of action can be found.
Actions | Dedicated Websites | Recovery Plan | Latest Developments
ActionsEconomic Responses
Public Health
Travel and Transportation
Crisis management and solidarity
Coronavirus research and innovation
Recovery PlanThe Coronavirus pandemic has caused economic and social damages. Assessment of the pandemic’s impact shows a need for vast and speedy investment, which is fair and proportionately distributed across all Member States. In response, the Commission has initiated a recovery plan. The recovery plan will consist of the Next Generation EU instrument worth €750 billion, raised through the financial markets between 2021-24, and will be in addition to the reinforced long-term EU budget (Multiannual Financial Framework) worth €1.1 trillion. The Commission, with the aim of delivering an effective EU-wide response, will mobilise a variety of instruments that will be divided across Next Generation EU’s three pillar structure: Supporting Member States to recover (€655 billion) The aim of the first pillar is to reinforce investments and reforms while at the same time focusing on achieving a just transition towards climate neutrality. The Commission will utilise a number of measures:
Kick starting the economy and helping private investment (€56.3 billion) The second pillar aims to assist key sectors and technologies, build stronger key value chains in the EU and provide solvency support to viable companies. The Commission will implement a variety of measures:
Learning the lessons from the crisis (€38.7 billion) The third pillar aims at resolving issues identified during the crisis by creating and boosting existing programmes that proved to be essential in the pandemic. The Commission will implement counteractive measures, as well as, supporting global partners:
Related Documents to Recovery Plan The EU budget powering the recovery plan for Europe, EUR-Lex Europe's moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation, EUR-Lex Identifying Europe's recovery needs, EUR-Lex EU long-term budget 2021-2027 (MFF), European Commission Joint European Roadmap towards lifting COVID-19 containment measures, EUR-Lex Key instruments supporting the recovery plan for Europe, EU Publication Office Financing the recovery plan for Europe, EU Publication Office The EU budget powering the recovery plan for Europe, EU Publication Office The role of research and innovation in support of Europe’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, EU Publication Office Galileo-based applications for Covid-19 response, EU Open Date Portal
Dedicated WebsitesDedicated websites regarding the response to the coronavirus:
Latest Developments31 July 2020 (Public Health): The Commission has concluded exploratory talks with a pharmaceutical company to purchase a potential vaccine against COVID-19. The envisaged contract with Sanofi-GSK would provide for an option for all EU Member States to purchase the vaccine. It is envisaged that, once a vaccine has proven to be safe and effective against COVID-19, the Commission would have a contractual framework in place for the purchase of 300 million doses, on behalf of all EU Member States. 29 July 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): The Commission has now coordinated and financed the delivery of over 1,100 tons of medical equipment to critical areas in Africa, Asia and the Americas. The 45 Air Bridge flights have also transported 1,475 medical and humanitarian staff since its launch on 8 May 2020. 28 July 2020 (Public Health): A contract with the pharmaceutical company Gilead has been signed to secure treatment doses of Velkury, the brand name for Remdesivir. Batches of Veklury will be made available to Member States and the UK, with the coordination and support of the Commission. 27 July 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): A call for expressions of interest for thematic partnerships to pilot interregional innovation projects that support the response and recovery following the coronavirus pandemic has been launched. The aim of the call is to help regions grasp the opportunities emerging from the crisis, develop resilience and build on green and digital transformation for the recovery of the most affected sectors, such as health and tourism. 24 July 2020 (Economic Response): A Capital Markets Recovery Package has been adopted to make it easier for capital markets to support European businesses to recover from the crisis. 21 July 2020 (Economic Response): EU leaders agreed on the Recovery Plan for Europe. More than half of the EU’s long-term budget and the newly established Next Generation EU, a total of €1.8 trillion, will support modern policies and set Europe on path to a sustainable and resilient recovery. 20 July 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): €64.7 million has been provided in humanitarian aid for countries in the southern Africa region to help support people in need dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, extreme weather conditions such as persistent drought in the region and other crises. 16 July 2020 (Economic Response): The EU has assisted 140 key transport projects by injecting €2.2 billion with the aim of improving transport links, growing sustainable transport and creating jobs. The funds will come from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). 16 July 2020 (Economic Response): Guidelines were presented by the Commission to ensure the protection of seasonal workers. It provides guidance to national authorities, labour inspectorates, and social partners to guarantee the rights, health and safety of seasonal workers, and to ensure that seasonal workers are aware of their rights. 15 July 2020 (Economic Response): An ambitious new Tax Package was adopted to ensure that EU tax policy supports Europe's economic recovery and long-term growth by protecting public revenues. 15 July 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): Immediate short-term measures were presented to strengthen EU health preparedness for COVID-19 outbreaks. A continued vigilance and fast response from the Commission and the Member States is essential to ensure that the spread of the virus can be contained and new, generalised lockdowns can be avoided. 14 July 2020 (Economic Response): The Commission recommended that Member States do not grant financial support to companies with connections to countries on the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, or that have been convicted of financial crimes such as fraud, corruption, non-payment of tax and social security obligations. 6 July 2020 (Research and innovation): The EIB financed CureVac with €75 million to support the company’s efforts for a vaccine development against Coronavirus. 2 July 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): The EU has adopted a new assistance package to protect migrants, stabilise local communities and respond to COVID-19 in North Africa. The package includes an additional €80 million to the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. 29 June 2020 (Economic Response): A third amendment was adopted to broaden the scope of the State aid Temporary Framework, which will enable Member States to further support small and start-up companies. The amendment aims to provide targeted support to otherwise viable companies that have been affected by the pandemic. 27 June 2020 (Economic Response): The ‘Global Goal: Unite for our Future' pledging summit organised by the European Commission and Global Citizen mobilised €6.15 billion to help develop and ensure equitable access to coronavirus vaccines, tests and treatments. This amount includes a EUR 4.9 billion pledge by the European Investment Bank, in partnership with the European Commission, and EUR 485 million committed by EU Member States. 24 June 2020 (Economic Response): The Council adopted a regulation which allows Member States to pay up to €7,000 to farmers and up to €50,000 to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) active in processing, marketing or development of agricultural products or cotton, except fishery products. 22 June 2020 (Recovery Plan): The 2021-27 Multiannual Financial Framework and Recovery Plan were discussed between EU Heads of State in a videoconference. Although no final agreement was reached, the discussions clarified each Member States’ positions on the Commission’s recovery proposals. 19 June 2020 (Digital): Exscalate4CoV, an EU-funded consortium using an EU-backed supercomputer platform, announced that an already registered generic drug used to treat osteoporosis, Raloxifene, could be effective treatment for COVID-19 patients with mild or asymptomatic infections. 18 June 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): Additional funding has been made available for Member States via the Emergency Support Instrument to transport essential goods, medical teams and patients affected by the coronavirus. 17 June 2020 (Economic Response): The EC approved €1.8 million Cypriot scheme to support farmers active in the primary agricultural sector affected by the coronavirus outbreak 17 June 2020 (Public Health): To help protect people everywhere, the EC presented a European vaccine strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing and deployment of vaccines against COVID-19. 16 June 2020 (Digital): Member States and the EC agreed on a set of technical specifications for the safe exchange of information between national contact tracing apps. These specifications are relevant to the majority of tracing apps that have or will be launched in the EU. 16 June 2020 (Research and Innovation): The EC launched an online public consultation on the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe. The Strategy will aim to ensure Europe's supply of safe and affordable medicines to meet patients' needs and support the European pharmaceutical industry to remain an innovator and world leader. 15 June 2020 (Travel and Transportation): Re-open EU, a web platform to support a safe relaunch of travelling and tourism across Europe, was launched by the EC. The platform will provide real-time information on borders and available means of transport and tourism services in Member States. 11 June 2020 (Research and Innovation): The European Investment Bank and BioNTech concluded a €100 million debt financing agreement to support the development of BNT162, the company's COVID-19 vaccine programme. The deal will also allow the company to expand its manufacturing capacity in order to supply the vaccine fast worldwide in response to the pandemic. 11 June 2020 (Travel and Transportation): The EC recommended to lift internal border controls by the 15 June and to extend the temporary restriction on non-essential travel into the EU until the 30 June which will be followed by an approach to progressively lift those restrictions. 10 June 2020 (Digital): In a Joint Communication, the EC and the EU High Representative analysed the immediate response to false or misleading information and proposed actions that can be set in motion to fight disinformation around the coronavirus pandemic. 10 June 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): The EU Regional Trust Fund mobilised an additional €55 million for refugees from Syria and vulnerable people in Jordan and Lebanon to combat the pandemic. The funds are targeted to support key areas, such as, health, water, sanitation and hygiene. 8 June 2020 (Research and Innovation): €166 million have been awarded through the European Innovation Council Accelerator Pilot to 36 companies to fight the pandemic and a further €148 million will be granted to an additional 36 companies which assist the Recovery Plan for Europe. 7 June 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): The EU Humanitarian Air transported humanitarian worker and essential supplies to the Democratic Republic of Congo to assist the fight against the pandemic. 4 June 2020 (Public Health): The EC announced a pledge of €300 million to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which will help immunise 300 million children and finance vaccine stockpiles around the world. 3 June 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): The EC proposed modifications to its budget for 2020 to make €11.5 billion for crisis repair and recovery available in 2020. 27 May 2020 (Recovery Plan): To ensure the recovery is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for all Member States, the European Commission has proposed to create a new recovery instrument, Next Generation EU, embedded within a powerful, modern and revamped long-term EU budget. 26 May 2020 (Economic Response): Council adopts temporary rules to extend the time limit for general meetings of “European companies” (SEs) and cooperatives (SCEs) 20 May 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): The EC announced an additional €50 million in humanitarian aid to help respond to the dramatic increase in humanitarian needs caused by the Coronavirus pandemic globally. 20 May 2020 (Research and Innovation): Researchers involved with the Horizon 2020 funded HG nCoV19 test project have obtained approval to put a new rapid point-of-care diagnostic for COVID-19 on the market. 19 May 2020 (Research and Innovation): Mobilisation of another €122 million from the EC’s research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, for urgently needed research into the coronavirus. 14 May 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): Additional €105.5 million from the EU to countries in the Horn of Africa to help fight the Coronavirus, by supporting health facilities, providing food assistance to people in need and addressing the basic needs of refugees and internally displaced people. 13 May 2020 (Travel and transportation): In an effort to support and reboot tourism on Europe 2020, the European Commission has developed guidelines and recommendations to help Member States gradually lift travel restrictions and allow tourism businesses to reopen. 12 May 2020 (Coronavirus research and innovation): 117 million granted for 8 large-scale research projects, aimed at developing treatments and diagnostics through the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). 8 May 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): European Commission delivers first batch of 1.5 million masks from 10 million purchased, via Emergency Support Instrument (ESI). The ESI provides direct support to Member States to mitigate the immediate consequences of the pandemic and anticipate the needs related to the exit and recovery. 8 May 2020 (Travel and transport): The Commission invited the Schengen Member States and Schengen Associated States to extend the temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU for another 30 days, until 15 June. The lifting of the restrictions should be phased. 4 May 2020 (Research and Innovation): : The Coronavirus Global Response pledging event raised €7.4bn from worldwide donors. The funds will be directed to the collaborative and universal deployment of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines against the virus. 2 May 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): RescEU delivered 330,000 protective masks to Spain, Italy and Croatia. 30 April 2020 (Economic Responses): To ensure the economy recovers as quickly as possible, the EU supported over 100 State aid measures to protect employment and businesses. 30 April 2020 (Digital): The Commission, through the Consumer Protection Cooperation Network, initiated checks on various online platforms and advertisements to protect EU consumers from misleading content and scams. 2 May 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): RescEU delivered 330,000 protective masks to Spain, Italy and Croatia. 30 April 2020 (Economic Responses): To ensure the economy recovers as quickly as possible, the EU supported over 100 State aid measures to protect employment and businesses. 30 April 2020 (Digital): The Commission, through the Consumer Protection Cooperation Network, initiated checks on various online platforms and advertisements to protect EU consumers from misleading content and scams. 29 April 2020 (Economic Responses / Public Health): €3.3 billion of EU financial support mobilised jointly with the European Investment Bank to address the Western Balkans’ health and humanitarian needs as well as assist in the social and economic recovery. 28 April 2020 (Economic Responses): The Commission adopted a new package to support banks to carry on lending to households and businesses to minimise the damage of the financial crisis brought on by the virus. 24 April 2020 (Economic response/ Crisis management and solidarity): Coronavirus Global Response is a pledging effort launched by the EU in order to help developing fast and equitable access to safe, quality, effective and affordable diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines against coronavirus. 23 April 2020 (Public Health): The European Commission welcomes the adoption of the proposal to postpone the date of application of the Medical Devices Regulation, in order to give priority to the fight against the coronavirus. 22 April 2020 (Economic response/ Crisis management and solidarity): in order to limit the economic fallout for ten enlargement and neighborhood partners during the coronavirus, the Commission proposed a micro-financial assistance package worth €3 billion. 22 April 2020 (Economic response): Further measures to support agricultural and food markets most affect by the coronavirus crisis 21 April 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): Through the Civil Protection Mechanism the EU is coordinating and co-financing the delivery of aid shipments in the EU and in neighbouring countries. 20 April 2020 (Research and innovation): To enable and ease the collection and sharing of available research data the European Commission along with other partners launched a European COVID-19 Data Platform. 17 April 2020 (Travel and Transportation): Over 500,000 EU citizens are brought home from abroad through a unique EU consular operation. 16 April 2020 (Digital): The Commission published guidance on Apps supporting the fight against COVID-19. 16 April 2020 (Economic responses): New measures to help the agri-food sector, by increasing farmer’s cash flow and to reduce administrative burden for everyone evolved. 15 April 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): European roadmap aimed to phase-out the containment measures due to the coronavirus outbreak. 14 April 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): €2.7 billion from the EU’s Emergency Support Instrument are provided to support Member State’s healthcare systems in their fight against the coronavirus. 8 April 2020 (Travel and Transportation/ Crisis management and solidarity): Invitation by the Commission to Schengen Member States and Schengen Associated States to prolong the temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU until 15 May. 7 April 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): Through the Civil protection Mechanism, a team of European doctors and nurses from Romania and Norway is deployed to Italy. 6 April 2020 (Economic responses): Commission and European Investment Fund (part of EIB Group) unlick €8 billion in finance for 100 000 small and medium-sized businesses. 3 April 2020 (Economic responses): In the process of easing the Import of medical devices and protective equipment from non-EU countries, the European Commission will temporarily waive customs duties and VAT on those imports. 3 April 2020 (Public Health): European Commission encourages and facilitates cross-border treatment of patients and deployment of medical staff. 2 April 2020 (Employment): European Commission’s proposed initiative ‘SURE instrument’, worth up to €100 Billion, to mitigate unemployment during the COVID-19 crisis. 1 April 2020 (Coronavirus research and innovation): New control material designed by European Commission scientists that helps laboratories in checking the correct functioning of their coronavirus tests and to avoid false negative. 31 March 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): The EU is strengthening resilience in neighboring countries hosting Syrian refugees in light of the coronavirus pandemic, through a new package of almost €240 million. 30 March 2020 (Crisis management and solidarity): The European commission has reallocated €140 million to support the needs of its Eastern partners, as part of the global response to coronavirus outbreak. 30 March 2020 (Public Health/Employment): A practical guidance issued by the European Commission to ensure that mobile workers in critical occupations, can reach their workplace. 27 March 2020 (Travel and Transportation / Medical): The European Commission increases the budget to repatriate EU nationals and increase the budget of the RescEU medical stockpile.