March 2014

Did you Know?Digital Agenda Europe (a Europe 2020 initiative) aims to help Europe's citizens and businesses to get the most out of digital technologies, e.g. using Cloud Computing, Telecom, Broadband, Robotics, increasing trust and security, etc. They support a number of research projects, entrepreneurs and innovative projects. EDC News: Technology & Car Safety!As road use continues to increase in European countries so are the number of road accidents & fatalities, traffic congestion, energy consumption and its negative impact on the environment. To address these problems the Commission believe that e-Safety “smart” technologies (which are based on the strengths and capabilities of computers and telecoms) can make a major difference and have, therefore, implemented a number of initiatives, for instance:
These initiatives are still at the proposal stage and still require research and regulation. Proposals for two pieces of legislation have already been put forward by the European Commission to create a mandatory e-call system: These proposals complete the Commission's three-phase legislative journey to make eCall mandatory throughout the EU (see IP/11/1010and Delegated Regulation N° 305/2013). For further information: