May 2013

Did you Know?The European Commission is putting plans in place for the employment or employability of the EU Youth, up to 25 years old, through the introduction of the Youth Guarantee. EDC News: EU Youth Guarantee coming to Cyprus!!!In response to the worsening unemployment rates and youth without education or training in European Member States, the European Commission's Youth Employment Package proposes to introduce the “Youth Guarantee Scheme”. This Guarantee will ensure that all young people, up to 25 years old, receive a quality offer of a job, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within 4 months of leaving formal education or who have lost their job. Find out more about Youth Employment in the EU. Part of the scheme funding will be supported by EU funds which will be reinforced by a new initiative making €6 billion available for the period 2014-2020. It will help regions with youth unemployment rates above 25% to take steps to boost youth employment. Half of that amount will be allocated from the European Social Fund, the other half from a dedicated youth employment budget line. It has been recommended that Member States should implement the schemes as soon as possible, preferably as from 2014. In countries with severe budgetary difficulties and higher rates of youth unemployment, however, a gradual implementation could be considered. The Cypriot government has started talks of bringing the EU Youth Guarantee to Cyprus. More information: