Social Europe

The European Union continually strives to enhance its growth and the lives of European citizens. It has developed many policies and tools relating to employment social affairs and inclusion.

The following links provide information on finding work, living and studying in Europe:




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

European Union - Creating key documents for applying for work in the EU

There are many ways that a person can document their qualifications, skills and work experience when applying for work. The difficulty is finding a format that displays your information clearly and concisely. The European Commission in collaboration with CEDFOP have created a website, EUROPASS, that helps you with this problem.EuropassMain

EUROPASS provides set forms for you to create a portfolio (Skills Passport) of all the documents you will need when applying for work:


Europass in Cyprus

Please note that CVs can also be created and downloaded on the EURES website.




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

European Union - Working in the EU

There are various ways to search for work in the European Union. The European Commission has grouped the types of work under three broad categories:

When searching for work abroad there are things (additional information, i.e. taxes, work permits, recognition of qualifications, etc) that should be taken into consideration.

Note: for more help contact our representatives in Cyprus


Working in EU Countries


EURES is a European job mobility portal created by the European Commission to provide information, advice and recruitment/ placement (job-matching) services.

EURES is a co-operation network between the European Commission and the Public Employment Services of the EEA Member States (The EU countries plus Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) and other partner organisations.

Using this portal you can:

  • Search for job vacancies by occupation or keyword. (Please remember that although the website can be viewed in different languages the keywords MUST be in English)

  • Create an account with EURES, which will allow you to:

    • Create your CV online

    • Create a Skills Passport - European skills passport records the skills you have acquired within a specific sector, making it faster for employers from this sector to find you.

    • Create Profiles and Email Alerts for the types of jobs you are interested in.

  • Contact a local EURES Advisor

  • Obtain practical information for working in an EU Country


Click here to see a short video on "How to use the EURES Portal - for jobseekers"


Working in EU Institutions


EU Careers (European Personnel Selection Office - EPSO) is the official portal to apply for work in any of the EU Institutions. The portal is available in any of the 24 official EU languages.

To work in an EU institution you must have a good command of at least 2 European Languages: your main language plus English, French or German.

Within the portal you will find and be able to:

  • Apply for work:

    • Application Procedures - the application procedure depends on the type of contract and job profile. To apply you will need:

      • Create an account with EPSO (you are only allowed to have one account)

      • Fill in your personal data

      • Fill in the application form. Once completed click the overview tab to check the details are correct. Then validate your application - this needs to be done well before the deadline date.

    • Once your application has been accepted you will be asked to sit the Admissions Tests - Sample tests

    • Selection procedure timetable

    • Having passed all sections to the application process you will be added to the reserve list - for ONE YEAR (when the year is up you need to go through the selection process again!!) - to be selected by any of the EU institutions. NOTE: here it is good to be proactive and contact the various institutions yourself.

  • Types of employment offered in EU institutions

  • View Job Profiles for both fixed and permanent positions

  • Current Job Opportunities


Working in EU Research



EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion provides access to information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it.

The EURAXESS job portal includes a search engine that will allow you to look for positions using keywords, by country, by research field, researcher level, etc. It also provides external links for fellowships and Grants.

Having searched and found a position of interest, click on the position title. A browser window opens giving full description of the position and links where to apply for the position.




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

Starting up a Business

The European Union continually strives to improve itself and the quality of life for its citizens. Supporting citizens to start their own businesses plays an import role in reaching these objectives. The EU sees small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as key drivers for economic growth, innovation, employment and social integration. To aid the development and sustainability of these enterprises the European Commission offers advice, information and funding to support these initiatives:

  • European Small Business Portal - Provides a search engine where you can obtain access to funding by country; advice on cross-border issues, copyright rules, innovation, environment and human resources; also information on EU policy and legislation with regard to starting up a business in the EU.

  • Start-up Europe - contributes to the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan. Startup Europe aims to strengthen the business environment for web and ICT entrepreneurs so that their ideas and business can start and grow in the EU. It offers access support services such as advice, networking, legal assistance and much more.

  • Your Europe for Businesses - This portal gives you links to all information you need to start up and sustain a business in Europe, such as:

    • VAT and Customs

    • Selling abroad

    • Staff

    • Product requirements

    • Public Contracts

    • Environment

  • Information Portal for Funding Programmes in Cyprus and Europe - provides information on all programmes and calls for proposals, both at European and national level. Funding is provided for a number of ventures ranging from starting a business to research.

Additional information:




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

Europe and Youths

The Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC), is the branch of the European Commission charged with all aspects relating to European Youths. It has eight main areas of responsibility in the field of youth, outlined in the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018, covering the education, work, wellbeing, and inclusion of youth across Europe.

A number of initiatives have been put in place to meet these responsibilities, for instance:


European Youth Portal

The European Youth Portal (Cyprus) offers European and national information and opportunities that are of interest to young people who are living, learning and working in Europe, such as:

  • Volunteering

  • Working - jobs, starting a business and traineeships

  • Learning - Classroom swaps, ERASMUS+, out of school learning, training (learning a trade)

  • Taking part - have your say on EU policy, etc

  • Culture and Creativity - Arts and entertainment, science and innovation, and multiculturalism

  • Health - Physical and mental health, sports and fitness

  • Social Inclusion - learn about your rights, services and community

  • Think Global - take part in activities at a global level

  • Travelling - plan your journey, transport and accommodation


European Youth Card (EYC)

The European Youth Card provides discounts on accommodation, museums, theatre, travel, shopping and more. It also gives vital information on various opportunities and projects that the youth can take part in, either nationally or globally.

There are over 60.000 discounts, which can be searched for using the EYC database with an interactive map. To find out about a card in a country, click on the country in the interactive map and read their profile.

Details for applying for a European Youth Card in Cyprus can be found on the Youth Board of Cyprus website.


Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ is an EU programme for boosting skills and employability through education, training , youth, and sport. Between 2014-2020 the programme will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience, and volunteer abroad. Click here for more information.



Eurodesk provides information on European policies and opportunities for young people. The information given aims to inform the reader of developments in the EU and provide sources, which will allow the reader to follow the debates on these key issues at European level.

Eurodesk also has a Eurodesk European Database for traineeship (internship) opportunities. The database alphabetically lists the different traineeship opportunities, competitions, funding opportunities, fellowship programmes etc.

Eurodesk Cyprus contacts




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

Traineeships (Internships)

The employment market is becoming extremely competitive and it is vital for people to improve their skills and increase their work experience. Traineeships (Internships) are an ideal way to do this and it is an ideal opportunity to build up your business network.

There are two main sources where you can apply for traineeships in the EU:


Traineeships in EU CountriesEuresLogo


These placements can be found through the EURES website. EURES is a European job mobility portal created by the European Commission to provide information, advice and recruitment/ placement (job-matching) services.

To search for traineeship placements on the EURES website: click on the "Search for a Job" button. Then on the search page, in the box labelled "keywords", type Traineeship. Section 3 on the search page allows you to select the country you wish to do your training in.


Traineeships in EU Institutions

Applications for traineeships are generally made through the institutions website:

  • EC_LogEuropean Commission Traineeships - These are paid traineeship of 5 months with the European Commission (or some executive bodies and agencies of the European Institutions like, for instance, the European External Action Service or Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation). Calls for application happen twice a year (need to check the EC calendar for dates), e.g. for MARCH 2017-JULY 2017 Traineeships, applications need to be submitted between 18/07/2016 (12:00 noon, Brussels time) - 31/08/2016 (12:00 noon, Brussels time). You will receive a monthly grant of approximately €1,120 and reimbursement of travel expenses. Accident and health insurance can also be provided. Click on the following links for further information:

  • Scientific traineeships at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) - Although JRC is part of the European Commission applications need to be made through the JRC's External Staff Recruitment Application (ESRA) which also allows you to apply online.

  • EUParlEuropean Parliament - The European Parliament offers several options for traineeships within its Secretariat, to provide opportunities for vocational training and for learning more about what the European Parliament is and does. Each type of traineeship have their own procedures and application dates. For more information visit their website.

  • councilEUCouncil of the European Union - The Council of the EU is the institution representing the member states' governments. It negotiates and adopts new EU legislation, adapts it when necessary, and coordinates policies. The Council offers different types of traineeships: Paid traineeships, Compulsory unpaid traineeships and Traineeships for national officials. Each type of traineeship has its own application procedure. Further information can be found on their website.

  • CuriaLogoCourt of Justice - The Court of Justice of the European Union offers a limited number of paid traineeships per year for a maximum duration of five months. There are two traineeship periods: from 1 March to 31 July (Application deadline: 30 September) and; from 1 October to 28 February (Application deadline: 30 April). Traineeships are generally undertaken in the Research and Documentation Directorate, the Press and Information Service, the Directorate-General for Translation or the Interpretation Directorate.

  • ComOfRegionsCommittee of the Regions - The Committee of the Regions is the EU's assembly of regional and local representatives working towards European integration. It offers a limited number of 5 month traineeships for university graduates and local and regional authority staff. There are two traineeship periods: 16 February to 15 July (spring session) and 16 September to 15 February of the following year autumn session).

  • EESCLOgoEuropean Economic and Social Committee - The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is a consultative body that gives representatives of Europe's socio-occupational interest groups and others, a formal platform to express their points of views on EU issues. The EESC, twice a year, offers different traineeships to university graduates. Each type of traineeship has its own application process, for more information visit their website.

  • EOEuropean Ombudsman - The Ombudsman offers traineeships, twice a year, primarily to university law graduates. The traineeships take place either in Strasbourg or in Brussels according to the needs of the Office. They start on 1 September and 1 January each year. Applications are submitted in English.

  • EDPSLogoEuropean Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) - The main traineeship programme hosts on average two trainees per five-month session, twice a year, starting in October and in March. In addition, special provisions have been established to accept, under specific and limited admission criteria, university students and PhD students for short-term, non-remunerated traineeships. For more information visit their website.



Eurodesk provides information on European policies and opportunities for young people. The information given aims to inform the reader of developments in the EU and provide sources, which will allow the reader to follow the debates on these key issues at European level.

Eurodesk also has a Eurodesk European Database for traineeship (internship) opportunities. The database alphabetically lists the different traineeship opportunities, competitions, funding opportunities, fellowship programmes etc.

Eurodesk Cyprus contacts




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

European Union - Education

The European Commission has provided many resources, information links, tools for all areas relating to Education:




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

Social Europe - Living in & Moving around Europe

The EU motto is:

"United in diversity"


It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent's many different cultures, traditions and languages.

To ensure it continues to be united and diverse the EU has developed many tools, information centres/organisation, projects & programmes, etc to enrich the lives and participation of its citizens.

Below is a consolidated list of important links to enhance your lives in the EU:



  • Life and Business Portal - This portal helps you initiate your search for information and legal advice on your rights to live, work and study abroad, including access to healthcare and consumer rights

  • Your Europe - gives you help and advice on living and working in Europe:

  • Freedom of Movement - Freedom of movement allows citizens of the European Union (EU) to move to, live in, and in certain circumstances access the welfare system of the EU country to which they have moved. The portal explains your entitlements, benefits, restrictions and links to legislation.

  • Visas and Schengen Area - This portal provides all visa related information needed, for both EU and Non-EU citizens, to travel around Europe. Links on related legislation.

  • European Health Insurance Card - A free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. The card is issued by your national health insurance provider.

  • Driving licenses - This portal explains where you can use your driving license and the regulations relating to driving in another EU country. It also, explains if you need to change it local one; whether or not it will be valid for the same period in the other country; and, if it is lost or stolen, how can you prove you had a licence in your home country, etc.

  • Europe for Citizens - Here you will find all the information you will need on issues relating to EU citizenship. These issues cover:

    • Your rights

    • How to get involved in European politics and shape the EU's political agenda

    • Partaking in debates

    • Volunteering

    • Europe for Citizens programme

  • European Ombudsman - The European Ombudsman is committed to ensuring that citizens, NGOs, associations and companies, are aware of their right to complain about maladministration in the EU institutions. The Ombudsman's role is to investigate an EU institution on the grounds of maladministration: administrative irregularities, unfairness, discrimination, abuse of power, failure to reply, refusal of information or unnecessary delay.

  • European On-line Information Services Web Chat - Web Chat allows you to talk to an information officer when you cannot find what you want on the EU website.




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)



Europe Direct Information Centres



EU Careers (EPSO):
Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus
EU House, 30 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 228177 70 

Fax: +357 22768926

9, Klimentos Street, CY-1480 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 40 08 36
Fax: +357 22 40 09 32

Euroguidance Centre Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 40 08 20
Fax: +357 22 30 47 18

Cyprus Productivity Centre, P.O.Box 20536, 1679 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel. +357 22 80 61 21 / 59 / 11
Fax +357 22 37 68 72 


Europe Direct Larnaca:
Filiou Tsigaridi, 6300 Larnaca, P.O. Box 40045, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 24 62 09 93
Fax: +357 24 62 09 93

Europe Direct Limassol:
corner Athinon and Nikos Xiouta Street, 3040 Limassol, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 25 00 20 44 / 27
Fax: +357 25 00 27 63

Europe Direct Nicosia:
Home for Cooperation, 28 Marcou Dracou Street, Nicosia 1102, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22445740, +90 548 8345740
Fax: +357 22660061

Europe Direct Pafos:
26, 25th of March Street, 8100 Pafos, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 26 93 55 00
Fax: +357 26 91 10 3


European Commission Representation in Cyprus:
EU House, 30 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 81 77 70
Fax: +357 22 76 89 26

European Parliament Representation in Cyprus:
EU House, 30 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 87 05 00
Fax: +357 22 76 77 33

Funding Programmes:
Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development
EU House, 29 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 60 29 25 / 42; +357 22 60 28 67
Fax: +357 22 666810




The Erasmus Office

University of Nicosia

Millennium Building, 1st floor, M102
Tel:+357 22 84 17 27 or

+357 22 84 17 26

Fax:+357 22 35 23 60

KEPLI Larnaca, 27 Gregoris Afxentiou Avenue, 6021

Larnaca, Cyprus

Tel. +357 24 82 25 80


KEPLI Limassol, 1st Rd, 3 Kato Polemidia, 4159 Limassol, Cyprus Tel. +357 25 39 22 11


KEPLI Pafos, Apostolou Pavlou and Gladstonos Corner, 8046 Paphos,Cyprus 
Tel. +357 26 30 64 19




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

Social Europe - Living in & Moving around Europe

The EU motto is:

"United in diversity"


It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent's many different cultures, traditions and languages.

To ensure it continues to be united and diverse the EU has developed many tools, information centres/organisation, projects & programmes, etc to enrich the lives and participation of its citizens.

Below is a consolidated list of important links to enhance your lives in the EU:



  • Life and Business Portal - This portal helps you initiate your search for information and legal advice on your rights to live, work and study abroad, including access to healthcare and consumer rights

  • Your Europe - gives you help and advice on living and working in Europe:

  • Freedom of Movement - Freedom of movement allows citizens of the European Union (EU) to move to, live in, and in certain circumstances access the welfare system of the EU country to which they have moved. The portal explains your entitlements, benefits, restrictions and links to legislation.

  • Visas and Schengen Area - This portal provides all visa related information needed, for both EU and Non-EU citizens, to travel around Europe. Links on related legislation.

  • European Health Insurance Card - A free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. The card is issued by your national health insurance provider.

  • Driving licenses - This portal explains where you can use your driving license and the regulations relating to driving in another EU country. It also, explains if you need to change it local one; whether or not it will be valid for the same period in the other country; and, if it is lost or stolen, how can you prove you had a licence in your home country, etc.

  • Europe for Citizens - Here you will find all the information you will need on issues relating to EU citizenship. These issues cover:

    • Your rights

    • How to get involved in European politics and shape the EU's political agenda

    • Partaking in debates

    • Volunteering

    • Europe for Citizens programme

  • European Ombudsman - The European Ombudsman is committed to ensuring that citizens, NGOs, associations and companies, are aware of their right to complain about maladministration in the EU institutions. The Ombudsman's role is to investigate an EU institution on the grounds of maladministration: administrative irregularities, unfairness, discrimination, abuse of power, failure to reply, refusal of information or unnecessary delay.

  • European On-line Information Services Web Chat - Web Chat allows you to talk to an information officer when you cannot find what you want on the EU website.




EU Learning Corner

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Document Database

European MOOC Scoreboard

VAT & Customs



European Youth Portal

ERASMUS University of Nicosia





Recognition of Qualifications

Eurofound news



Cyprus & EU Funding Programmes

ESF - European Social Fund

EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)